
GDR 2426 Quantum Mesoscopic Physics

from Monday Nov. 23rd to Thursday Nov. 26th


We are pleased to announce the 2020 plenary session of the quantum mesoscopic physics GdR

Invited speakers of this session:


Audrey Cottet (ENS Paris)

Thomas Ebbesen (ISIS Strasbourg)

Gwendal Fève (ENS Paris)

Çağlar Girit (Collège de France Paris)

David Hagenmüller (ISIS Strasbourg)

Hélène Le Sueur (CEA Saclay)

Florence Levy-Bertrand (Institut Néel Grenoble)

Freek Massee (LPS Orsay)

Julia Meyer (CEA Grenoble)

Frédéric Pierre (C2N Palaiseau)

Guillaume Schüll (IPCMS Strasbourg)

Matias Urdampilleta (Institut Néel Grenoble)


--------------------------LATEST NEWS 20/11/2020 -------------------

Dear Participants,

Here are important informations regarding the meeting of the GDR Mesoscopic Quantum Physics 2020 which will be held online from Monday 23rd of November to Thursday the 26th of November 2020. 


The platform that will be used is ZOOM. You will receive each day, by e-mail, the link for the coming session. 


Regarding ZOOM, if you want to take full advantage of the conference, especially the poster session, we encourage you to update your zoom version here (at least v5.3):


For attendees

  • In the Zoom meeting rooms please keep your microphone muted until you are ready to talk.         
  • Please raise your hand or write in the chat to the chairperson if you want to ask a question as the talk is progressing. The chair of the session will then serve as host and call upon you to ask your questions directly (allowing speaking/microphone privileges).
  • Do not ask the question in an anonymous mode as we will not be able to find you to give you microphone access


 For speakers

  • Please be there 5-10 minutes before your session. 
  • We will then provide you with co-host rights so that you can share your screen. 
  • Please be there and finish on time.
  • A chairperson will help you to keep on time. 


For chairpersons

  • Please be there 5-10 minutes before your session. 
  • We will then provide you with co-host rights so that you can chair the session. 
  • We ask you to keep track of the schedule and time for each presentations:
    • 20 + 5 min questions (contributed talks)
    • 30 + 5 min questions (invited talks)
    • 45 + 5 min questions (tutorials)


For posters


  • Presenters:
    • Each poster has been attributed a number for which a breakout room has been created (see program and/or website).
    • We ask the poster presenters to stay in their break-out room and share their screen with their poster and wait for participants to visit them.
  • Poster attendees:
    • Please connect to Zoom and choose a break-out room number referenced to a specific poster (see program and/or website)
    • You will be able to switch between breakout-rooms then attending posters at will.



Latest news (28 october 2020)

Good news! The annual meeting of the french GDR of mesoscopic quantum physics is maintained and will take place from the 23rd to the 26th November 2020.

Obviously, the meeting turns online.

As a result, we extended by a few days abstract submission until friday 6 th November 1pm.

Registration will remain open until friday 20th November

Please sign in here:

Waiting for it, take care and be careful.

Cordially The organizers of the GDR meso 2020





The GDR annual meeting is open to all researchers interested in mesoscopic physics.
Participation of young researchers is highly welcome. Don't hesitate to submit your contribution, regardless of its field.

deadline for registration   Nov. 20th
deadline for abstract submission  Nov. 6th

Registration and abstract submission are two independent entities.



Crucial Information

How to register

1) Create a sciencesconf  account  (if you don't have one)

2) register here

Important dates

GDR session 2020: November 23rd - 26th


Registration   Nov. 20th, 2020
Abstracts      Nov. 6th, 2020 1 pm

Program here

  Location: Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois

Centre Paul Langevin     Aussois sous Neige

Julien BASSET (UPSaclay, Orsay)

Rémi AVRILLER (LOMA, Bordeaux)

Secretary : Marie-France Mariotto (LPS, Orsay)

Scientific Head : Patrice Roche (SPEC, Saclay)

Nicolas Roch (I. NEEL, Grenoble)

Mark Goerbig (LPS, Orsay)


Online user: 6 Privacy